Hello again to anybody looking at this page and a huge thank you if you are. So much has happened since I put this website together with the help of my ever patient and wonderfully talented brother Adrian Polglase and he is still teaching me the ropes when it comes to adding and editing and prettying up (if possible) this mind boggling place on the world wide web!! I am so scared of promotion and very nervous of reactions to what I do, be it original or something that has been done countless times before but at 58 years old, I am still out there making music both live and personally at home and am building the momentum and confidence to put it out there as time goes on.
I also want to get back to gigging more seriously, not so much more frequently but just to try out different venues and meet new people and see different places around our beautiful county. I thought I had gigged just about everywhere but there are always new ones to be discovered so as the diary fills up slowly for the year I hope to add some more new names to the list of gigs. I’m not great at getting gigs these days as I have been visiting quite a few with my very dedicated husband by my side and putting my name forward for a performance and then mostly coming away with none. When I go onto social media I start to realise how different the system is these days. For the most part, no more is it a case of meeting face to face and leaving a recording and bio of yourself with a phone number and then going back a few days later to chase up the powers that be who have not listened to your music but give you a gig anyway because they love the fact that you have come back!! We went to one venue 3 times to get a gig at the end of 2024 and awkwardly stood in the bar hoping to talk to someone and then still came away with none so I think I have to reluctantly move with the times and get onto these sites and promote myself along with all the other performers, all hungry to rack up the gigs. It is a tough business for someone edging toward their 60’s and still trying to compete on the circuit but I’m just about coping with it and hope to carry on doing so.
I can’t write this without mentioning the big changes in my life over the past year, and I feel I am still coping with the loss of my Dad which has made me a little more determined to push what I do in his memory really. Without him around to encourage me as he always did, I’ve sometimes felt quite lost and nervous. Fortunately I have an incredible family and an amazing husband so although it is still a work in progress I am beginning to control my emotions a little more when I think of him or speak of him, well mostly anyway.
My work has changed considerably as well. I am still teaching and am also still doing a little of that at the College but not as much and so have now got some freelance work with CMST as well as the Studios and also the private work I have around Redruth and Truro. My link with CDS is still strong and I hope to be able to return there more frequently when time allows in the future.
I would like to thank so many people for their words and actions of support and help during the time when all of these things happened. I didn’t realise I had such fabulously sincere and supportive people around me. You are all wonderful.
Back to the music and this website. Please check in now and again to see the gradual changes and additions to it as time goes by. I want to get back to doing some more writing for my own sanity and enjoyment as well so maybe some more original music will appear later on this year as there hasn’t been any available stuff since 2010 so it’s about time eh?
Love and huge best wishes to all who took the time to read this.
PS Here are some new Videos done at in December 2024 for promotional purposes. There will be more in February.
(55) When We Were Young by Adele – YouTube
(55) Human by the Killers – YouTube
(55) Hotel California by Keri – YouTube